Welfare Quality® Assessment Protocol for Poultry
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275/2010 Z.z. NARIADENIE VLÁDY. Slovenskej republiky z 9. júna 2010, ktorým sa ustanovujú minimálne pravidlá ochrany kurčiat chovaných na produkciu mäsa
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Outcome of the Stakeholders and Public consultation on Health and Welfare aspects of genetic selection in broilers
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Scientific Opinion on the influence of genetic parameters on the welfare and the resistance to stress of commercial broilers
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Scientific Opinion on welfare aspects of the management and housing of the grand-parent and parent stocks raised and kept for breeding purposes
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Animal Welfare: Commission report confirms the potential benefits of banning conventional battery cages for laying hens. Brussels, 8 January 2008
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OZNÁMENIE KOMISIE EURÓPSKEMU PARLAMENTU A RADE o rôznych systémoch chovu nosníc a najmä o tých, na ktoré sa vzťahuje smernica 1999/74/ES. KOM(2008) 865 v konečnom znení
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COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the various systems of rearing laying hens in particular those covered by Directive 1999/74/EC. COM(2007) 865 final
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SMERNICA RADY 2007/43/ES z 28. júna 2007, ktorou sa stanovujú minimálne pravidlá ochrany kurčiat chovaných na produkciu mäsa
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COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2007/43/EC of 28 June 2007 laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production
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SMERNICA KOMISIE 2002/4/ES z 30. januára 2002 o registrácii podnikov s nosnicami, na ktoré sa vzťahuje smernica Rady 1999/74/ES
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TheWelfare of Chickens Kept for Meat Production (Broilers). Report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare Adopted 21 March 2000
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SMERNICA RADY 1999/74/ES z 19. júla 1999 ustanovujúca minimálne normy na ochranu nosníc
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COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens
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LayWel research project Welfare implications of changes in production systems for laying hens
Deliverable: D 1.2 Report with consensual version of welfare definition and welfare indicators |
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Deliverable 2.3 Description of housing systems for Laying hens
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Deliverables D.3.1-D.3.3
D.3.1. The creation of a common scoring system for the integument and health of laying hens.
Deliverables D.3.2-D.3.3. Analyses of a data base for health parameters in different housing systems
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Deliverable 4.1 Literature review of laying hen preferences
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Deliverable 4.2 Prevalence of feather pecking in various production systems
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Deliverable 4.3a Report on substrate needs and preferences
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Deliverable 4.3b Substrate preferences in chickens selected for and against feather pecking behaviour
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Deliverable 4.4 Definition of behavioural indicators to evaluate substrate quality
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Deliverable 4.5 Evaluation of litter quality in various housing systems
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Deliverable 4.6 Behavioural function of production systems for laying hens
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Deliverable 4.7 Behaviour
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Deliverable 5.4 Physiology and stress indicators
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Deliverable 5.4 Physiology and stress indicators, Annexes
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Deliverable 6.2 Report on Production and Egg quality
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Deliverable 7.1 Overall strengths and weaknesses of each defined housing system for laying hens, and detailing the overall welfare impact of each housing system
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Deliverable 7.2 Manual that can be used to audit the welfare of laying hens at a farm level in whatever housing system they are held
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WRITTEN QUESTION E-2794/00 by Markus Ferber (PPE-DE) to the Commission. EU ban on force-feeding of geese.
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